Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Bad Hair Day???

Today Sara (our volunteer here for the week from Kansas) and I helped to take out some of the girls' braids so they could wash their hair and get ready for church are Indiana, Marianny and Jessica with their fros after we took out their braids and brushed it out.
Jessica and Marianny before heading off to wash their hair
Marianny in Bryan's hat

2nd floor

construction on the 2nd floor of the kids home is coming along ...its time to pour the roof!

New Pavilion

Bryan in the rafters of the new pavilion that was built these past few weeks.

more manicures ...

the 2 oldest girls at the orphanage on our manicure morning, Nicol and Carolina
me giving Nicol her manicure

Dona Nena primary school

Our Indiana group taught English lessons in the mornings at Dona Nena primary school this past week.
Here is the 1st grade class singing the Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes song ...
Moncho and Marianny in their 2nd grade class working on a worksheet with a classmate
Cristofer in pre-1st grade
the pre-1st grade class holding up their coloring pages


Last week's volunteer group- from Indiana, Tanya- from England, along with Bryan and I on the 4th floor of the English Institute.
Below- the group sorts donations of clothes and other supplies that they brought for the orphanage.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jennifer & Joanni

2 faces that are never camera-shy ... Joanni and Jennifer.

Shoe Box Gifts

All of the kids received a shoe box full of gifts and supplies from an organization in the US of the items in Moncho's shoe box was a pair of sunglasses this pic we're taking off the sticker labels from them.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Viva Baseball!

Domingo ...still missing his 2 front teeth ...

Jessica ...still flashing her smile and some attitude on the side...

Joanni La Loca!

Joanni ...still la loca
With her sister-Luz Maria
again, with Luz Maria
Modeling volunteer name tags- upsidedown
there's a new face!

Jose Luis

The lovable Jose Luis with a fan.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

We're BACK!

We've been back since January 4th ...and pics will be coming soon! Bryan's parents came back with us and will be here for about 2-3 weeks to help with some of the construction projects we have going on this Spring. During our first week back, Bryan and his dad lead other volunteers in the construction on a big pavilion type building that will be used for volunteer eating space. We then took a few days to travel up to Cabarete with them for beach time, rest time and a lot of good food we are back in Monte Cristi, continuing to work on several other construction projects and running the English Institute. Starting next week our Spring volunteer groups will begin to make Feb-May a very busy time of year! Lots of pics to come ...lots of exciting things going on down here.
(Pic-Jennifer ...who is talking A LOT now)