Saturday, April 28, 2007


A few pics from around the orphanage ...
Cristopher had his 15th Birthday this week ...
Erika (age 7) coloring
Santos (15) with Jennifer (1 1/2) ... Santos is one of the smartest students in his class at the private school-- he is currently working on studying English with me and has plans to study English even more in depth this summer-- he told me he will work 10 hours a day at it if he needs to :) ...Jennifer, on the other hand, is currently working on talking.
Marianny (back) and Raileni (front) playing with dolls on the playground equipment at the orphanage
Cristofer and Jennifer --the 2 littlest ones here @ the orphanage ... they aren't brother and sister, but in this picture they look pretty close to it.

New storgae building ready to go!

A building was started in March to be divided into 3 rooms-- one for laundry, one for a workshop/tool storage, and one for mattress/pillow/sheet/towel/blanket storage. This week the building was nearly finished ...just a few finishing touches need to be done-- the exterior will be painted in May

2nd story on the kids home!

Early in March a 2nd story was begun on the existing building where the orphanage kids' sleepingand bathroom areas are ... this past week the volunteer team that came brought an extra $2000 to continue that project. They made sme great progress and it is coming long well!
Laying cement blocks ... the volunteers worked with a Dominican construction worker Monday through Thursday doing this.
A view of some of the walls they go done.

Englsh School

This week a few volunteers came to the English school to help teach ... here they are presenting the Chapter 5 "Grammar Rap"
The volunteers singing "Grammar Rap" with the students
Vida ... in English her name means LIFE
One of my fav students- Donald
Cristopher hiding behind his notebook as we were singing Happy Birthday to him

a few more pics from Santo Domingo ...

Lunch: Bryan, me, Anna
Dinner: Me, Anna, Elizabeth, Bryan

Friday, April 20, 2007

Santo Domingo

We recently went on an overnight trip to the capital- Santo Domingo. Here are Bryan and Elizabeth outside of the National Palace gates.
The Dominican National Palace ...comparable to the White House?
A cool house near our hotel ... not at all like the average homes you see in Monte Cristi
Sun Dial ... can you tell what time it is?

Sunday, April 15, 2007

PLAYA POPA- on-shore pics

A view of Playa Popa ... about 30 minutes away from the orphanage, this beach is on the ocean and we were the only ones there. We left at 7:30am, arrived and ate breakfast, ate lunch there, and came back around 5:30
Winston & I
Kelvin and Andres up in the Sea Grape trees
brothers- William and Winston
Some broken shades
Carolina with the shades
Bryan with the shades
Edwin with a live starfish
Rafael and Andres
Carmelo and Winston eating sea grapes
Jennifer in a towel ... she had a crazy fro too

PLAYA POPA- Burried in the SAND

Saqueo, Winston and Jose Luis burried in the sand later in the afternoon during our beach rip to Playa Popa
Jose Luis
Saqueo- post sand burrial
Moncho, after being burried in the sand
Saqueo and I (a close up while he was burried)

Jessica's CRAZY beach hair!

Jessica has some pretty cool poofy, fro-ish hair that she lets out at the beach ...
Below- Jessica and Bryan
a little less poofy ...
... blowing in the wind ...
what's with all the puckered lips?
... a great shot of the hair!
more puckered lips ...maybe it was the sour Sea Grapes

PLAYA POPA - Fun in the Ocean

We spent the entire day on Saturday at Playa Popa beach with the kids ... we had breakfast and lunch there and the kids had a great time! Here are some pics from in the water ...more beach pics will follow!
Below: Argenis
Tricks in the water
Bryan and Luis
Jose Luis