Friday, April 13, 2007

Coconuts Hotel ... soon to be English School

Orphanage Outreach recently invested in a new building--formerly it was a restaurant and guest house ... starting this Fall it wil be the sight of our English school and serve several other purposes as well .... the other day we had to stop there on the way home from English School and the orphanage kids (who attend English school) got a quick tour of the place. It's a pretty cool building- 4 levels and lots of neat things on each level. Here are Cristopher and Leonel with some masks that were left behind by the original owners.
Jose Luis, Anallelis, Jessica and Carlos on the top level which used to be a restaurant
Leonel in a chair that was left with the building
Jessica and Cristopher testing out one of the 2 hammoks on the third level
Jose Luis testing out the other hammok

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