Thursday, March 6, 2008

Independence Day in the DR

Feb 27th-- Leonel and Cristopher (2 kids from the orphanage but also in our English 2 class) carry the DR flag in the morning parade.
Jose Luis and Jessica (also from the orphanage, and also in the English 2 class) carry the Orphanage Outreach flag. Followed by them were about 80 volunteers wearing their Orphanage Outreach shirts.
Rafael walked with his school in the parade, carrying a ribbon pyramid
We had an Independence Day dinner under the new pavilion with all of the volunteers and orphanage kids that night
2 of our Sring interns, Shannon and Rachel, and I at the dinner
Luis and Bryan getting ready to eat ...
eating ... chicken
Toothless Raileni and I
Jazmin and Nicol at the dinner
Marianny and I with some of the decorations from the dinner
Our English 2 students performed the CHA CHA SLIDE (Red class facing the Blue class) at the Monte Cristi Independence Day assembly. Here they are during the part of the song that says "FREEZE"
More of their performance .... get LOW!!!

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