Sunday, July 29, 2007

Latest News!

Jazmin, 18, finished high school this year and has an exciting opportunity to study in her area of intrest (foreign language) this Fall. She will be moving in with us at the new English Institute in September (along with 3 other American interns) where she will be be working on an English program (she already has a lot of English skills, but hopes to master it and be fluent), and a French language program. She will also get some teaching experience by helping us in the afternoons with our 5th and 6th grade English classes! She is excited and we are excited for her!!!

Towel Babies

TIRED OUT after a day on the island-- Franchesca, Luz Maria and Joanni passed out in their towels!

Saturday, July 28, 2007


This past Thursday we took the kids on their first ever visit to the island 3 miles off from the Monte Cristi coast. It was their first time ever riding in a boat- very exciting!
Here is Joanni in her life jacket.
Lined up and ready to get in the boats.
Adios! Boat #1 heads out to the island.
Our boat ...

Jose Luis at the island
Some of the boys at the island

Summer camps out in the STICKS

This past week we put on summer camps at 2 different little communities just outside of Monte Cristi ... they were very small, poor villages where nothing much ever happens, so our camp activities (songs, games, coloring, crafts, puppet shows, sports, BINGO, card tricks, stories, snacks) were a big hit! It was very rewrding to spend time with people who have next to nothing and really, really, appreciated our time and activities with them!
Here is an average looking house out in the community where we were during the afternoon.
Peguero, our bus driver .... watch out, traveling summer camp commin at ya!
Our afternoon camp was in a village where some of our orhanage kids came from ... they were staying with relatives for a week out there, and so they got to come and participate in the activities with us in the afternoon. It was good to see them... although they will be back at the orphanage in a few days, we all missed them! ... Here are brothers Winston & William @ camp.
Since we put on one camp in the morning and a 2nd camp, in a different village, in the afternoon, we ate lunch on the road this week. This is a little colmado (snack vendor/store) on t way to our second camp where we stopped to eat lunch each day ... it was pretty cool just to sit around and eat/spend time with the locals.
Jenga was a huge hit! Here are some of the local guys who atteneded the camp with our youngest volunteer of the week playing an intense game!
Some of the women and older girls playing UNO
We had a great group from Arizona who put on musical puppet shows each day
Duck Duck Goose in action

Friday, July 27, 2007

Amy, Mercy & Liry's traveling nail salon!

This week while we were out in 2 different communities for camp, Liry, Mercy and I set up manicure stations for the older girls and women who came with their kids. They really enjoyed it!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Luz Maria

Bus ride to the beach with Luz Maria, age 2.


Here is one not-so-happy-camper ... even though her shirt says otherwise.

Carnival Night

We recently had a carnival night for the kids with booths, games, and contests of all kinds. There was a shoe shine station, fishing booth, Coke challange, ring toss, face painting, character sketches, photo booth, manicures, authgraph station, and more.
Here is the "fishing" wall ... he fishing rod had a clothes pin attached and when the kids went fishing it came back with a prize attached
Instead of the Pepsi challenge, we had a Coke VS Kola Real (the Dominican brand) contest, to see if the kids could tel the difference in a taste test
Jose Luis at the Coke VS Kola Real challange
Jennifer after the dress up photo booth and face painting
Jennifer and Bryan

Saturday, July 14, 2007

More summer beach trips!

This summer we have been going to a beach somewhere along the ocean amost every Saturday with the kids. Pastor Ramon really likes taking them on day trips and there are lots of different beach spots along the ocean anywhere from 5 minutes away to 2 hours away that we go to with them. Here are Jessica and Jazmin in the water.
Jennifer and Bryan
Nena giving herself a mud bath


Dominicans eat a lot of rice!!! The burnt or crunchy rice at the bottom of the rice pot is actually somewhat of a delecasy down here's called con con. Here is Marianny with a plate of it after her regular lunch.


This past week Andres, 15, along with some help from a few of the other boys built a couple of push carts/go carts ou of scrap wod and wheels from who-knows-where. They are pretty creative inventors. The cart pictured below has a steering system for your feet, a back rest and a braking system on the side. Here is Andres making a few repairs.
Andres and Jochi
Jochi pushing Andres on the volleyball court ... all of the boys have been playing with these cart a lot this week!

R&R at San Fernando

A few weekends ago we spent a little Rest and Relaxation time with our intern volunteers at a place called Hostal San Fernando in Monte Cristi. It's a property near the ocean with cabana hotel rooms for rent, a restauant and a pool. Our morning was spent poolside and at the restaurant for lunch.
Bryan flying into the pool
Lunch inside the screened in porch restaurant

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Sleepover Night

This past week we had a sleepover with the intern volunteers and the15 girls who live at the orphanage. We put out mattresses in the main room on the 2d floor of our 2 story building, set up a floor to ceiling projector screen for watchin movies, had a buffet table of snacks, and had games and hair and make up activities. Everyone hada great time!
Apples are a treat down here ecause they are imported and that makes them expensive ... Each girl got some apple slices as they entered.
Kyrenia and Nicol by the apple bowl
The big screen set up to watch Cinderella
Hair and make up time!
Our youngest sleepover guests-- Johanni (3) and her sister Nena (5)
Jessica and I
Jessia checking herself out in a make up mirror
Liry and Kyrenia posing for some glamor shots after hair and make up