Sunday, July 8, 2007

Sleepover Night

This past week we had a sleepover with the intern volunteers and the15 girls who live at the orphanage. We put out mattresses in the main room on the 2d floor of our 2 story building, set up a floor to ceiling projector screen for watchin movies, had a buffet table of snacks, and had games and hair and make up activities. Everyone hada great time!
Apples are a treat down here ecause they are imported and that makes them expensive ... Each girl got some apple slices as they entered.
Kyrenia and Nicol by the apple bowl
The big screen set up to watch Cinderella
Hair and make up time!
Our youngest sleepover guests-- Johanni (3) and her sister Nena (5)
Jessica and I
Jessia checking herself out in a make up mirror
Liry and Kyrenia posing for some glamor shots after hair and make up

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