Saturday, July 28, 2007

Summer camps out in the STICKS

This past week we put on summer camps at 2 different little communities just outside of Monte Cristi ... they were very small, poor villages where nothing much ever happens, so our camp activities (songs, games, coloring, crafts, puppet shows, sports, BINGO, card tricks, stories, snacks) were a big hit! It was very rewrding to spend time with people who have next to nothing and really, really, appreciated our time and activities with them!
Here is an average looking house out in the community where we were during the afternoon.
Peguero, our bus driver .... watch out, traveling summer camp commin at ya!
Our afternoon camp was in a village where some of our orhanage kids came from ... they were staying with relatives for a week out there, and so they got to come and participate in the activities with us in the afternoon. It was good to see them... although they will be back at the orphanage in a few days, we all missed them! ... Here are brothers Winston & William @ camp.
Since we put on one camp in the morning and a 2nd camp, in a different village, in the afternoon, we ate lunch on the road this week. This is a little colmado (snack vendor/store) on t way to our second camp where we stopped to eat lunch each day ... it was pretty cool just to sit around and eat/spend time with the locals.
Jenga was a huge hit! Here are some of the local guys who atteneded the camp with our youngest volunteer of the week playing an intense game!
Some of the women and older girls playing UNO
We had a great group from Arizona who put on musical puppet shows each day
Duck Duck Goose in action

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